Thursday, August 4, 2011

Watermark Tee: Guest Post at Ucreate!

I'm guest posting over at Ucreate today! I was so incredibly excited when Kari asked me to guest. I mean come on, it's Ucreate. Doesn't get much cooler than that.   

I've been working on this project for quite a while now, trying to get it just right. It's exciting to finally reveal it to you! 

You can find my tutorial over at Ucreate. Pop on over and say hi if you like (:

By the way I'm so impressed with the response to the Anthro Giveaway so far. Completely exceeded my expectations. You guys rock! You make me feel wayy cooler than I really am.



  1. You are incredible!

  2. Hi! I just saw your post over at "U Create" clever! You are right that it has so many possibilities. I love your blog (the look and the content). I would like to "follow" via blogger but I don't see anything where it says "followers". Are you preferring that folks follow one of the other ways?

  3. OMG...this is great!

    I'm from Europe (Slovenia) and I hope I'll find similar glue that the blue one :)

    I recently found your blog and I love it!

  4. Love your tutorial!! If all of my craft supplies weren't packed I would totally try it! :)

  5. Katy--another AWESOME project! This is such an incredibly easy and cool fashion DIY--the options are endless! I'm thinking sports tee's, my favorite bands, baby clothes...SO many different things! THANKS for the tute!! :) :)

  6. This will be a perfect activity for my girl scouts! So fun!!

  7. Just saw you on Ucreate and I'm now a follower! My sister just graduated from Texas A&M! WHOOP!


  8. Just read the tutorial, I have to try this! I'm not much of a creative person, I don't think, but I enjoy reading creative blogs like yours. You've inspired me to try and get my sewing machine and just start sewing (I don't really know how). Thanks!

  9. I'm so excited! This is awesome! My daughter is a gymnast. I'm going to let her find a inspiring quote and make her a shirt. Maybe even some soffee shorts with her gyms logo. I bet I end up doing it for alot of the other girls to. I love this tutorial and your blog. Thanks so much

  10. super cute katy! I might just have to try this. how creative. :)

  11. What a great idea -- I can't wait to try it! I've tried a couple of your other tutorials and I just love the way they turn out!

  12. That's so awesome that you're from Keller! So am I! Love your site!

  13. So fun! I will have to make some for myself and my kids. Also, I was very happy to read that you are an Aggie! WHOOP! Class of '03...seems like a life time ago ;)

  14. Are you kidding me? This is genius! Genius I tell you!

  15. This is beautiful! I have resisted (couldn't help it!) using the wax...but will certainly try the blue-glue method. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity! ~~Robyne~~

  16. This has got to be the coolest Tee Shirt project that I have ever seen! I will be going to the store for some blue glue so I can get started!

  17. Found you through UCreate. Love the t-shirt. Thanks for the easy to follow tutorial!

  18. LOVE this idea! I'm going to give it a try soon!

  19. I LOVE THIS!! I just saw on Pinterest how you could batik dye cotton dish towels (but with wax) I am so making these for Christmas presents - with my kids!! I love this so much!
    Thank you so much for sharing! I love the way your shirts turned out!


  20. I can't believe you started in May and you already have 900 followers! Actually...I can believe it! You are awesome! Thanks for posting such great (and easy!) tutorials! I just love this blog!!

  21. Oh my gosh - I can't wait to try this! I loved the sail boat too :)

  22. Found you on U Create - I'm a new follower! Everything you make is adorable!

    Jen @ My Own Road

  23. Not only am I a new follower, but I've "liked" you on FB. A real commitment from a shy FB user! Eileen

  24. I found you on Ucreate today and hopped over to your blog. Sadly, it doesn't take much to make me want to follow you: great ideas, glue and dye?!?! Are you kidd'n me? I'm all yours...BTW, I was a fashion major in college and now a preschool teacher by day, crafter by night.

  25. Did I mention that I signed up to receive your blog via email? Thanks, E.

  26. I loved this tutorial. I don't have a sewing machine so I can't do a lot of your tutorials but I stalk your blog anyway :) Your ideas are GREAT and I love your sense of style and craftiness!

  27. Congrats! Excellent post on "U Create". And this tut is fantastic. You are giving me many ideas to make for me or give my friends on the summer!

  28. I left you a comment over on UCreate but I had to stop by your sit too just to tell you how cool I think this idea is!! My teen is going to LOVE this too! I am a new follower!

  29. K, so I have seen this shirt all over blogland and Pinterest!! It's created quite a stir. I LOVE this idea!! Thanks so much for the great tutorial...I can't wait to make my own. :)

    P.S. I'm from Austin (hook 'em!), and I have a friend from Keller!! Can't wait to check out more of your blog!

  30. You are quickly becoming one my favorite blogs! I've linked to you a few times on my own, and I've noticed you are trending up all over Pinterest! Congratulations!

  31. Wow It amazing! I can craft it with my hands. Thanks!

  32. For reals...this is my new favorite blog! And seriously, this is the greatest tutorial EVARRRRR! This is something I can totally do with my kiddos...thank you!

  33. you are amazing!! I love this!! Im blogging about it on thursday!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  34. I can't wait to try this! I have a couple questions... Do you think this would be safe for a baby onesie or bib? Also will the color fade after washing?? Thanks!

  35. I tried this with a group of girls and the glue dried great but it disolved quickly in the dye bath and the whole shirt was dyed. Any suggestions? How long do you leave it in the dye bath? Maybe we left them too long? I want this to work sooo bad. HELP

  36. Robyn-

    Hmm did you use cold water? Or maybe the shirt was left in there too long. Try making a more concentrated dye bath and be sure to use cold water. My shirts stayed in the bath about 3-4 minutes max. So sorry it didn't work for you! I hope it goes better next time.

  37. Thank you so much for posting this!I did this as a craft with the teens and school age girls at the local children's shelter, and they loved the activity. Practically all of them decorated their shirt with the names of their parents or other family members that they are missing while away from their home. It turned out to be a very meaningful and long-lasting craft. Thanks again!

  38. I cannot stop looking through all of your crafts! I want to try everything you've made. I am starting a clothing line and you are such an inspiration. Thanks so much and good job with all of this!

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