Tuesday, May 1, 2012

And I can breathe again..

Phew. I'm officially finished with my junior year at A&M and now a senior! It's been rough finishing up all those end of semester projects and my nearly 5000 word Classroom Management Philosophy paper, but now I'm free. Or at least until summer school starts -sigh-. You've probably noticed I haven't been posting much lately, but I know you won't blame me for devoting my time to school.

My one year bloggiversary is coming up. I started Sweet Verbena mid May of last year, back when I had a lot more time on my hands. I'm so excited that it's summer again and that I'll have the time to tackle some of the many projects on my to-do list.  What, you may ask?

Here's some screenshots I've taken recently on my IPad. Sometimes I'll use them as a reminder to try out a new technique or shape. 

I love the front tie on this dress. I just got some interesting feather fabric from the Country Living fair in Austin that would be perfect for this project. 

 I'd still like to try out the paper bag method on a skirt. Love the nautical feel of this one. 

Also loving the sash finish on this flirty skirt..

They have this great, new pinky-coral knit at Joann that would be great to tackle an airy cardi like this.

Oh and an update on the pup! Lou's doing great. Definitely livening up, and finding his inner chihuahua. He thinks he's a lot tougher than he really is, but he's a real mama's boy at the same time. 

Have a great week (:



  1. Cute outfits! As I was scrolling through I noticed that the grey skirt that was out of stock is just like the one I just made! You could totally make this yourself :) You can see my tutorial on it if you want at http://www.thisbigoaktree.com/2012/04/high-waisted-sash-skirt-tutorial.html
    Oh and thanks for your tips on blogging they really helped!

  2. Congrats on finishing up! I miss school sometimes but luckily I have my boyfriend in law school to remind me that I don't want to pursue another degree!

    And Lou looks so cute!

  3. Welcome back! Congrats on finishing the school year and also on the approaching 1 year mark!

    Love the skirt with the tie on the front, very romantic!

    Enjoy your start of summer!

  4. Congrats on finishing!! Looking forward to seeing what new projects you come up with :)

  5. I think this is the time of year we should all be finding our inner chihuahua ;-)

    Congrats on making it to your senior year!

  6. My Ralphie thinks he's a lot tougher than he is too, but he's going through a rough time with a neutering gone wrong and ear infection. He's my lil sassy man!! Your pup reminds me of a longhaired version of him, they have the same coloring. Adorable!!

  7. Girl, I can totally relate to the whole being able to breath again! Just finished up my own college paper, completely my junior year here at UF.
    Can't wait for your future posts!
    Love the pup, by the way!


  8. Glad to hear your life is slowing down a bit. I have one last final to finish up tomorrow and then I'm free until August. Your puppers is adorable!

  9. Yay for the relaxing days of summer! I can't wait to see what goodies you make. Every single one of those items are totally darling. Almost as cute as your puppers!

  10. Congratulations on finishing up another year, whoop! Have you gotten your Aggie ring yet, and if not, when do you get it? :)

  11. Tiffany,

    Not yet, I was short 5 hours! I'll get it in September!

  12. Can't wait to see how you do the red and white stripe one, I can't figure out the the top. Congrats btw!


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