Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Other Big News

Thank you so much for all of your congratulations and well wishes on our wedding! We are so happy to be in this phase of life. We do have a little bit of other big news that I have held out on. In October, Brandon and I started the process of building our first home together. We will be moving from the apartment to our starter home in mid-May! We are absolutely ecstatic and cannot wait to ditch the renter's life for  a more permanent residence that we can call our own. For me, that means I have stacks of DIY projects on my to-do list. Sewing up drapes for each room, building a small mudroom, and creating art to showcase in each room are just some of the projects I have up my sleeve. Yep, it's time to dust off the old sewing machine and put it to good use! 

In the meantime, I thought I'd share a few pictures of the house progress. I always love to see how quickly homes are built! It's been such a fun process so far. We can't wait to share the finished product. 

We started with a little bit of pre-foundation framing. It's amazing how exciting it is to see a few boards nailed together when you know it's the start of your own home. 

This one is looking at the back of the house, toward our neighbors across the street. 

Then, before we knew it, we had a real live foundation to walk on! 

Yay! Concrete is so exciting! 

Lou thinks it's pretty exciting too. 


Soon after the foundation was poured, they started the framing process.

Then, right after we got back from our honeymoon, we drove up to this beauty and just about lost it. It looks like a real house now! 

It's tough convey a sense of the floor plan with these pictures, but it will be a 3 bedroom (with an optional 4th that we will use as a formal living room) and 2 bathroom house. Brandon will have his in-home office, and I'll have an extra bedroom to do my crafting in. 

Of course, this is my favorite area of the house. This is standing in the main living room looking toward the kitchen. Six big, tall windows stand letting the natural light pour in, just like I like it.

This is standing in the "breakfast nook" looking into the kitchen. 

And here I am standing in the living room, giddy as can be. 

The master, again more natural light. There's even a small window seat there, ready for lounging.

Finally, here's a quick peak of the garage with the small storage area. 




  1. So excited for you, Katy! This is such an exciting time at the dawn of your marriage, building a home together. As much as it's natural to be very focused on your dreams for your future together, cherish these special moments that you have today when it's just the two of you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  2. Can't wait to see how you decorate this lovely house!

  3. Beautiful!
    Did you guys come up with the floorplan and then contract it out?

  4. Thank you, all! We are very excited! Kirsten, we used a standard floor plan that we fell in love with. (:

  5. Congrats! I'm slowly updating an OLD house. Must be nice knowing that things are built correctly! And love the O'Neil's shirt on your man :)

  6. It's going to be beautiful - what an amazing space. It really does make the difference across the world stand out though, in the UK a starter home is normally a 2 bed terraced house (I'm not sure you even have terraces do you?) with tiny rooms. It's just so different where you are - all that space! (massive overuse of the word space sorry - but wow, all that space!) I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  7. My daughter was married at New York wedding venues and all our guests said that this is the most amazing wedding they've ever been too. I love the dark wood, the beamed ceilings, and the overall sort of great vibe of the building.

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I love reading your comments! If you have a question please feel free to email me at sweet.verbena01@yahoo (:

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