Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Black Swan and Thrifty Shoes

You guessed it, I was the Black Swan. Along with plenty of other gals. Guess I wasn't the only one with this idea. It was a lot of fun putting everything together. I think my favorite part was the intense eye makeup. I love that Halloween gives you the chance to wear something way out of the ordinary.

The bad news is, I hardly picked up my camera all night and didn't get many shots of my costume. But, that's just how it goes sometimes. Luckily my friend Tyler had hers ready and got a few good pics. Thanks Tyler (;

I found these neat shoes at Goodwill yesterday. I've been on the hunt for a pair of flat loafers that I can wear with skinnies. So when I saw these lovelies in my size, I snatched them up for just $6.99. A major bonus is that they're super comfortable!

The only thing is, red really isn't my color. I think it looks great on others but I've never felt like red looked good on me. So I instantly thought spray paint. What color do you think would look good? Maybe a teal or a navy blue. Or maybe just keep them red. What would you do? 

P.S. I promise to get some projects up this week. Things have been a bit hectic lately, such is life. Tutorial coming in the next couple of days (:



Chelley said...

I'd keep them red ... but then that's my favorite color! You're so lucky to have great thrift stores there. I always find tons of stuff at the one in CS!

Unknown said...

Keep them red!!!!! I always have a hard time passing up thrift shoes..in the last couple months I have bought SO many...yesterday I found some that I could NOT pass up for 4.99 even though they are a half size too big? I wanted them that badly I guess! LOL

Golfjopa said...

Stay with the red - they will look great!

Becky said...

Love the red.I loved the black swan..interesting movie.

Annika said...

I really like the red! It matches more stuff than you would think and bright shoes like that can turn the most simple outfit into something way fun!

A Sweet Release

Jessica said...

Oh I love red shoes! Red and pink shoes always make me happy, especially on a rainy day. Wait, so do yellow shoes...

I say if you don't have red shoes yet, it's certainly time to have them!

Anonymous said...

How about a lovely shade or coral??

Anonymous said...

I meant a lovely shade of coral

Krista & Tyler said...

Keep the red! Its the new fall color, and its always fun to get out of the box once in a while. I did that a few years ago, and my red boat shoes are my favorites!

Cat said...

I love the red, but if you do decide to change the color, don't use spray paint. It ruins the fabric and cracks horribly (tried that on a pair of brown boots for Halloween one year... my gogo dancer ended up not looking that good from the hem down...) What I use to paint shoes is acrylic paint, and if the fabric is porous enough, it'll soak the paint right in and the color will stay for YEARS.

mysticgypsy128 said...

I say leave 'em red. I LOVE red shoes. And boots.

Home on the Range Exchange said...

I'm with everyone else....keep them red!

Unknown said...

Katy, I LOVE your costume, and the makeup is spot on. Creative, crafty and pretty like everything you post! Love getting your blog in my inbox. Always a treat.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh, and DEF keep the red. Not like it's a peep toe sling back satin stiletto. It is a beautiful shoe, and you will get tons of compliments on the color! You can always change the color after you take them out for a spin a few times.

(re-posted due to typo! yikes!)

μελίτσα. said...

Nice costume...
i think that i'd paint them navy blue... But red is so funny too!

Clarissa said...

Rock the red! I think a lot of your outfits would look great with these. I've always thought about red shoes as similar to red lipstick, only you don't have to keep re-applying.

Juliette said...

your costume was great!

I'd say keep the shoes red, but if you really hate the red, I'd avoid spray paint simply b/c I think it'd crack/peel and maybe just make your shoes stiff and/or not let your feet breathe.

What about trying some black shoe polish? You might get a burgundy/burnished copper type of effect... ??? aaaand now I'm thinking of Ron Burgundy!! =P

Unknown said...

You should wear them for a while before you decide to spray paint. Reach out of your normal bounds! I agree with Juliette that it will probably peel and crack because they look like leather.

Continue the Halloween spirit and go out of your normal boundaries. You just might learn to love red!

Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...

great costume!! you look so different with the funky eye makeup haha

Ashley J @ MommyByDayCrafterByNight said...

I love it! You look just like her with that eye makeup!! Great job on the costume!! xoxo

Chelsea Finn said...

Your costume is....AMAZING! It's so legit, I love it. :)
And those shoes! What a great find. I love the red but I think navy would look really good and it would match a lot!

<3Chelsea Elizabeth

chels said...

I like the red. I don't think I look good in red either, but red shoes are a must in every girls's wardrobe. I don't like red clothes but I love red shoes!

Marina Lind Schmitt said...

red! red! red! love it when comfy & cute & inexpenisive come hand in hand!

Allyson McGuire said...

The costume is amazing, and the shoes are precious! I would leave them red...that's what's so great about shoes. Colors that don't look great on (yellow for me) are fine on your feet!


Anonymous said...

Even though you weren't the only one as the black swan this halloween, your costume is definitely one of the best I've seen. I love love love your makeup.

And the shoes are adorable! Maybe instead of spray painting them a different color add a strip of brown leather to them or a bow? I personally love them and think they look super retro and chic.

Unknown said...

My costume was definitely out of the ordinary... I braided myself a beard! I *could* wear it any day of the week, except it wouldn't exactly be culturally acceptable, so I decided to wear it the one day I could wear it.
And I LOVE thrift store shoes!

Melissa Alexandar said...

If you haven't painted them yet, I hear Cobalt Blue is the "IT" color this season. That's the color I'd choose if those were my loafers. Ps is that ostrich skin? those look super comfy!

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