Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Honey Pot Pet Studio Giveaway! GIVEAWAY CLOSED

Let me introduce you to one of my newest sponsors, Honey Pot Pet Studios.

They're a one-stop shop for all the accessories your furry friends would ever need. I don't have a pet of my own yet, but I'm hoping to get one in the very near future. When I get a pooch of my own, I know it will be spoiled rotten! 

How adorable is this pull-through scarf for your pup?

This vintage suitcase turned pet bed is kitschy cool.

I'm loving this Dry Clean spray for pets. I'm crazy about my dry shampoo, so why not have one for your pet too? 

So, today Honey Pot Pet Studios is giving away to one lucky reader a..

$45 Gift Certificate!
(shipping charges may apply)

How to Enter

Leave a comment telling me a little about your pet, or a pet you hope to have soon! Please leave your email address too! You can use this format; sweet(dot)verbena01(at)yahoo(dot)com

Additional entries

"Like" Honey Pot Pet Studios on Facebook and leave a comment saying so.

Follow the Honey Pot Pet Studios Blog and leave me a comment saying so

Good Luck!

Giveaway ends 1/27/2012



  1. Aw, what an awesome giveaway! I have 3 furbabies at home that would love if I won this! I have two cats and a new dachshund puppy... its like having 3 kids - they are crazy!

    I also 'liked' Honey Pot Pet Studios on FB.

    And I now follow their blog!

  2. I currently have three pets: a Golden Retriever and two cats. I adore them all. My male cat and I have been bonded since the second we saw each other over 15 years ago. Last week he had some complications from diabetes and was in the animal intensive care unit for 3 days. I thought I was going to lose him. Thankfully he got great care and is on the mend. How can I tell he's feeling better? He's back to his obnoxious self!
    millerb68 (at) gmail (dot) com.

  3. I got a new puppy over Christmas and her name is Lucy! She's a chihuahua and a pug and she is one sassy little girl. She's 3 lbs and 11 ounces and thinks she's way bigger than she really is. I wish I could post a pic of how adorable she is!!

    I followed on facebook and follow the blog!!
    My email is:
    danielssj (at) email (dot) wofford (dot) edu!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have a HUGE orange cat named Zeppelin! One of my favorite things about Zeppelin is that he looks a little different every day - pear-shaped one day, flat the next, sometimes just a big loaf of bread! Of course I take a million pictures of him. He's been crushing on the vintage suitcase cat beds - he's love one RIGHT in front of the radiator!


  6. I also now follow Honey Pot Pet Studios - thanks!!!


  7. I don't have a pet, but my sister has a kitten that is adorable and only a few months old. I'd love to gift her a few things from the cat section of their site.

  8. What an AMAZING giveaway! I'm so excited! :)

    I have the most wonderful black lab named Max, and he's become so spoiled since we adopted him a year ago. Before we rescued him, he was 30 pounds underweight. He had never been on a leash in his life and was forced to live outside in a small (VERY DIRTY) crate.

    Now he's fattened up, goes on at least three walks a day, and spends the majority of his time hogging our entire queen sized bed.

    This giveaway would make Max and his parents so happy!


  9. I now like them of Facebook :)


  10. we have an adorably awkward, lanky australian shepherd/kelpie mix named harvey. at three years old, he is still all legs and reminds me of tween boy, minus the bieber-hair. he loves to wag his whole body with excitement when we walk in the door and has captured our hearts!

  11. I'm now a new follower of their blog!


  12. oops--i forgot to include my email with my comment!


  13. Love it!! I have a basset hound (for whom I am going to attempt to make that scarf! So cute!) two cats and four chickens. hannah(at)detailseventsvt(dot)com!

  14. Hi, I want to enter! I have a 3 year-old great dane named Abby : ).

    - Erin

  15. I've got an eight year old shih-tzu who still acts like a three year old. He likes to pile all his toys up and look up at me with eyes that say, "I don't have enough toys. See, only two dozen or so."

    f8breaker (at) gmail (d0t) com

  16. I have two kitties... Charlie (4.5) and Lucy (almost 4). Charlie is shy, sensitive, and a little obsessive. Lucy is laid-back, ditzy, and outgoing. Both are little snuggle bugs. :)

  17. I like them on facebook!
    charlieandlu at gmail dot com

  18. I like them on facebook!
    charlieandlu at gmail dot com

  19. My dog Molly and I live at the beach. She loves being off leash (technically not legal) and running around in the sand. We drag a lot of sand into my apartment... it's worth it though...

  20. My hubs and I just our first puppy! He's a Golden Retriever and is going to be a great big dog! We're very excited to have him, and since he loves chewing on things, if we won I would totally hook up with some of their legit toys!

  21. (also, apparently I am rather terrible at following instructions. My email is mcdaniel(dot)maryl(at)gmail(dot)com.

    I'm not following their blog!

  22. My little man Spikey is the love of my life. I adopted him last July through the suggestion of my therapist. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in November of 2010 and have been through intensive treatment and therapy since. Spike now travels (almost) everywhere with me and is my little furball of sunshine! He is keeping me sane on the long road to recovery and I can't imagine doing it alone now that he's in my life. We are working on our CGC (Canine Good Citizen) training so he can become a certified therapy dog!

  23. My boyfriend and I have two cats and two dogs. The dogs are both dachshunds and super sweet and cute. I am always looking for cool new stuff for them!

  24. I have two "babies" - Toby is a 11year old minx cat who still thinks he is a dog (he will really fetch). Our new little guy is a 9 month old long hair, black and cream doxy. I can't imagine coming home and not having them greet me. This would be a treat for both of them
    sewn(dot)seabee(at)gmail (dot) com

  25. I am now following honey pot studio
    (PS - I don't have facebook)

  26. I have an adorable Min Pin/Chiuahua mix. Her name is Sadie, and we just brought home a baby girl into the mix. She has been a great "big sister" and winning this giveaway would be a great way to spoil her!


  27. I have one cat and one guinea pig! Our cat is so playful and loves attention. Her name is Mai (pronounced May) We adopted her from the shelter in our town a couple years ago- she had 8 kittens when they found her! We're so lucky to have her in our family. Our guinea pig is just as cute! Her name is Ginny (like from Harry Potter). Sometimes I accidentally leave the guinea pig cage open and our cat crawls in! They don't really bother each other..I think my cat is more afraid of the guinea pig, then the guinea pig is of the cat! My pets would LOVE anything from Honey Pt Pet Studios!!

  28. I have "liked" Honey pot Pet Studios on Facebook!

  29. I am following Honey Pot Pet Studios as well!

  30. I have two cats, Baby & Boscoe. They are brother and sister and are the most loving, hilarious cats I've ever met. I was not a "cat person" until I met them. Now I'm a crazy cat lady!

  31. I have an 11 year old orange tabby named Henry. My 18 month old who adores him, much to Henry's dismay, but all things considered he's been really tolerant of the unwanted attention. He's at his best when he's stretched out beside me in bed.


  32. My pet's name is Maille (pronounced Malley) and she's a pugeranian. She's hilarious, spunky, but super cuddly. I really, really love her, but not as much as my I'll-never-love-a-dog husband.

  33. my sweet pup, a yorkie poo, is named mona. we've had her for almost six months and she has added so much to our lives! she and i just got back from a long snowy walk. she loves the snow and bounds through it like a little rabbit!

    thanks for this great giveaway and the chance to win!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I have a crazy cat that we adopted from the SPCA when hurricane Irene went through NC. Her name is Scarlet and she's all black and never runs out of energy or the need for attention. We still love her though.


  37. I love this prize :) I have a 'baby' Jack Russell called Lucy who I adore and is very spoilt. She has such a personality, and manages to wrap everyone around her little paw - even my originally 'no dogs in the house' dad (her spot is now sitting up on the couch next to him ha!)

    My email address is clpeucker[at]hotmail[dot]com

  38. I also followed Honey Pot Pet Studios on their blog and also liked them on Facebook!


  39. My crazy/loveable kitty Luna would love some new gifts! She's spoiled rotten and definately lives up to her name. ( we named her Luna after Luna Lovegood from HP) She loves tinsel cat toys and laying on top of whatever book you are reading. What a silly Kitty :)


  40. I've got a sweet Siamese cat named Angel. She's about 8 years old and loves to snuggle everybody.

  41. zay2015(at)gmail(dot)com

    Alright I liked 'em and followed them :)

    I have two dogs... they are both crazy. one's a cardigan corgi and he's soo old. haha every once in a while he decides he's hurt and will start limping around. then he'll lay there for like two days rarely moving to the point where we're convinced he's about to die. then the next day he's up and running again. haha crazy dog.
    my other one's a bechon poodle and she's crazy hyper all the time but I love her! She's in love with my bed...If we lose her we'll go looking and find her curled up in a ball in the middle of the comforter on my bed :) thanks Katy!

  42. We would be spoiling our Portuguese water dog with those darling gifts! I know husband would love more of that ;-)

  43. And of course I needed to start following them on Facebook to stay updated with the newest cutest items!

  44. I just got an apricot English Mastiff puppy two weeks ago! He's a (giant) sweetheart named Orion, and t would be great to get him something special.

  45. Yay! This is such a fun giveaway! I've had a "handicapable" pekingese rescue named Wookie for almost five years, and he is seriously the love of my life. About a year ago, I also adopted a chunky albino guinea pig named Squinty, and Wookie protects him like a big brother! They both snore too, which would be annoying if it wasn't adorable.

    Thanks! Ashley

    PS- I also liked Honey Pot Pet Studios on Facebook

  46. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I have 3 adorable dogs in my home. Roxie is the oldest and recently is having some issues health wise. There is also mutley who was adopted after being left behind when a couple moved and he was neglected for quite some time. Ziggy is the 3rd and the largest. Literally the dog incarnate of Eeyore. Thanks again!!! :-)

  47. I have two wonderful dogs, both are very sweet. Chloe is a Boxer Lab mix. She is kind, shy and patient. Especially with my two year old daughter. Jack is a Miniature Schnauzer. He is every ones friend, loves to play, and is always looking for mischief.

    I clicked like on the Honey Pot Facebook page.

    I also started following the Honey Pot blog.

    I love your blog! There are so many great tutorials. I'm going to make the pumpkin cupcakes this weekend for my husbands birthday. :)

  48. I have an adorable but less than graceful orange tabby. I love him to pieces. kari(dot)etc(at)gmail(dot)com

  49. Awww!! What a great give-a-way! I have two furries, Nemo (the fat 20 lb indoor cat) and my cuddle bug Dexter (a 5 lb Yorkie). Dexter is my little angel, and I seriously SCREAM everytime I come home to his excited face!!

    I would love to be able to spoil him with these goodies - even more than I already do!

    *fingers crossed!*


  50. I have 2 kitties, Oscar and Spaz. We call Spaz Spaz because she litterally spazed out when we brought her home because of my dad (she is afraid of men, we think she might have had abusive owners before) tried to give her food. But they are adorable kitties! :)


  51. Just liked them on facebook!


  52. I am their newest blog follower!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


  53. Such an awesome giveaway and pet shop! Our 1 year old lab-german mix Sonie would love the cute stuffed aligator!

  54. Oops, email got let off -

  55. I have an almost 5 year wire fox terrier. His name is Ike. He refuses to pose for blog photos without talking to his agent. :P Cute shop!!

  56. This is such an awesome give away! i Have 2 dogs a boy and a girl - riley and jackson. I would love the dry shampoo haha! jenelle127(at)yahoo(dot)com

  57. I also liked them on facebook! thank you!

  58. what a cute site and awesome giveaway! i have two kitten faces, banks and benson, who are spoiled rotten :) i'm also a fellow aggie and have adopted from the shelters in town, so best of luck in the search for your new addition!

  59. ooooh….. I have to dogs that are pretty spoiled. They are both so cute and tiny. :)

    createpixiedust (at) gmail (dot) com

  60. My first and only pet (besides goldfish, which barely count...) was my dog Jackie. I got her when I was 11 (seven years ago), and I pretty much loved her like a baby until she died last September (accelerated health decline and muscle loss from diabetes).


  61. Awesome giveaway!

    I have my little puppy dog, Luna! I adopted her from a shelter about a year and a half ago. She's my little wild ball of fluff.

    email: cordray06(at)hotmail(dot)com

  62. I have three dogs: 2 Pomeranians named Lupin and Tonks and a shepherd mix named Meeka I rescued about 2 years ago. I had just started dating my boyfriend, who was renting a room in a house. The owner of the house came to visit and had this shy, sweet dog in tow that I later found out had been bounced from house to house. The owner didn’t want Meeka and was trying to find room in a shelter for her. Unfortunately, no shelters would take an older dog Meeka’s age and her owner decided to have her put down. Obviously I couldn’t let that happen! It took a lot of adjusting bringing a third dog home but she is now in her forever home and happier than ever!


  63. I once was talking to my mom on the phone when she suddenly said "I love you baby girl" I felt so loved and replied "I love you too mom!" to which she then replied "Oh sorry I was talking to the dog. Wa wa waaaa...

    I need to win this for her and that dog that stole my mothers heart.

  64. I have some very "special" pets! Currently i have a Chiweenie puppy named Lily, a Chinchilla named Taz, and a Hedgehog named Peek-a-boo. Ooh and five goldfish but they are a little less than exciting.

  65. So glad to see a pet give-away! I have had my Shiba Inu puppy, Ichiro, since October of last year. I love him sooo much! Dry shampoos are my favorite just because he likes to play out in the dirt a lot and giving him a bath every night is out of the question!! My email is laura.clemenson(at)gmail(dot)com

    Love your blog by the way!! :)

  66. Who knew they made dry shampoo for pets?! So cool. Would like to give that a try on my miniature pincher, Pico. He's not the biggest fan of baths :)


  67. aw, so cute! We have a GIANT chocolate lab named Duke, who, although he weighs nearly as much as I do, is just the sweetest little lap dog in the world. He has really bad joints already, so he's spoiled absolutely rotten!

  68. I have an Aussie named kip! He is so funny. When he was little he never had accidents only Kip-tastrophies!

  69. I have an australian cattle dog/black lab mix. her name is corabelle (we call her belle), and she is honestly the sweetest thing alive. The only reason why she would that she would charge at you is because she is ecstatic to welcome a new member of the "pet me for 24 hours" club. she is also the most needy dog, needing to be around me or my mom 24/7,waiting for us to sacrifice our next hour of the day to pet her. she is 8 years old, and we got her because me and my older brother found her online somewhere. my dad drove 12 hours to get this dog for us. she is a rescue dog and had been abandoned in the forest along with her siblings and mother. This was a risky idea to just get a large dog around young children, but the best choice i ever made was to get on that computer and find my one and only Corabelle. <3

  70. What a great giveaway! I absolutely love my Yorkshire Terrier Ruby. She is still my baby although she will be turning 11 this March! My Grandma has her littermate Sunny and we love to get them together for sister-playdates!


  71. I have a dog named Shasta who is a golden retriever by breed, and a small horse by size. He's adorable and goofy! I am currently in France on study abroad, so I would love to send home some gifts for my pooch.

  72. I also liked the page and followed the blog! (Amanda Fendrick)

  73. Loving this giveaway.Especially the bed so cute.I have 2 cats and 2 dogs.Murphy a Border Collie Eli a Westie.Lawrence of Arabia and kit both male kitties.They are my fur babies since the non fur girls have grown lol.

    Life is special with them what would we do without them giving us so much pleasure.

  74. Millie is 4 and Mabel is 3 and they are Bedlington Terriers. They are the most wonderful dogs and make each day worth getting up for! I also have Bessie who is a 12 yr cat and they all sleep on the bed together and they would love to share some of the wonderful gifts from Honey Pot:)

  75. hi...what a great idea...we have 4 pooches and 3 18 month old boy and a girl on the way!! i would love to get some of the dry shampoo!!

  76. i also liked them on facebook and are now following their blog :)

  77. Besides my little one we have 2 kitties, Audrey and Seamus. Audrey we got from a local rescue and Seamus was found under our porch when I was 7 months pregnant. They are complete opposites of each other, Audrey has short hair and is sweet and cuddles sometimes and Seamus has long hair, is very feisty and loves to cuddle all of the time. I would love to be able to spoil them with a new bed!

  78. That dog bed suitcase is absolutely adorable. Our approximately 10 yr old Boston Terrier Ruka would LOVE it! She is so spoiled she sleeps either under the covers with us, or lately, she has joined our 3 yr old son in his bed. We love her like she is our first born :)


  79. We have two dogs that are a huge part of our family. Both were rescued and you can tell how thankful they are with all the love they share with us! We would love to win a gift card from Honey Pot to shower our dogs with new goodies! My email is l(dot)goins(dot)jenner(at)gmail(dot)com

  80. I have 3 dogs; Lucky, Sadie, and Dexter. I love them like family! Lucky is 12 years old and she is a mutt. Sadie is 5 years old and she is a chocolate lab. Dexter is 9 months old and he is a mutt. Sadie and Dexter play constantly while Lucky mostly likes to nap. They love the homemade dog treats that I make. Dexter is learning to play fetch and Sadie just likes to take the toys from him. I have had Lucky since I was 16 and found her with a whole litter of stray puppies. Sadie came from a very good line of labs. Dexter just showed up on our porch last summer.
    My email address is
    My email

  81. We have a spunky little 5lb ShiPoo named Penny Lane. She is getting fixed next week and would love some stuff from Honey Pot to cheer her up during recovery.

    email is:
    sey08(at)hotmail(dot)com (or the google one attached to my profile!)

  82. What a fun giveaway!!!

    We have an 11 year old Cholocate lab and she is our baby!!! She still duck hunts with her daddy and LOVES every minute of it until she gets home and sleeps 2 days straight.. I would love to try out the "dry shampoo" on her when she gets home from a long day hunting!


  83. i have liked the Honey Pot Pet Studios on Facebook


  84. and i have also started to follow the Honey Pot Pet Studios blog :-)


  85. This is such a neat website! So glad they are sponsoring a giveaway! I can't have a pet where I live, but my friend has an adorable shih tzu, and I would gladly pass this certificate along to her! prazehm878(at)yahoo(dot)com

  86. I have two pets. A long haired tuxedo cat named Betty Boots and a miniature shih tzu named Gizzy. They are just as spoiled as my children.

  87. I also like Honey Pot on Facebook.


  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. I have a puppy, Penny, and she would love some cute accessories!


  90. I forgot to leave my email! My name is Madison...I posted about my cat named Mai and my guinea pig named Ginny. My email is
    sorry for any confusion!

  91. the hubs and i have a 1 1/2 year old blood hound that has stolen our hearts! he now weighs about 120 pounds.. i call him my baby bear! :)

  92. I have the best little Cairn Terrier ever. She is so sweet, even with two little kids pounding on her or chasing her around all day. She deserves a little pampering!

  93. I have one "little" furbaby- Pixie. She is a three year old himalayan kitty and man does she have personality!! She deserves to be spoiled and unfortunately this college girl just hasn't been able to do it for a little while. Hopefully within the next year I will get a puppy, I'm thinking a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel named Titan or Cassini (Cassi for short!). My email address is Love your stuff!

  94. Oh! I've also liked Honey Pot Pets on FB! (

  95. For one, I absolutely love love love Sweet Verbena! As for my little kitty baby, I love her too <3 Her name is Aubergine and she was rescued from a house fire when she was only 1-month old. She was a little orphan until we adopted her and now, a year and a half later, she's turned into our little fat baby. I know some people think cats are lame, but if they ever met her, their minds would quickly change. She is the sweetest, silliest, and smartest little creature. Pick us <3


  96. What a terrific give-away! I have 2 dogs, a Japanese Chin who we rescued from a puppy mill and a Japanese Chin/Maltese mix and a beautiful Himalayan cat who we were also lucky enough to have been able to rescue. The three of them are constantly by my side and I don't know what I`d do without them!
    I also 'liked' Honey Pot Pet Studios on FB.

    And I now follow their blog!
    Deborah M
    By a Thread Bags

  97. My current baby is Tilly. We just love him to bits!

    ryanandheidikopper (at) gmail (dot) com

  98. I have two sweet sister kitties and I'm aunt to two adorable doggies. My e-mail is joyoliviamiller at gmail.

  99. I have three lovely puppies- Maggie, who found us at a shelter in Michigan (she's 5), Takk just turned 3, rescued in South Dakota, and Fry, who joined the family here in Montana.

  100. Aww how cute! :)
    I have 3 dogs: 2 chihuahuas and 1 shi tzu :D
    After I graduate and move out, I'll be taking the shi tzu with me :)

  101. I have a new pound puppy named Peter. He is my husband's and my first pet and we love him to bits. Would be so wonderful to spoil him with sweet treats from this adorable shop.


  102. We currently have two pets, our 5 year old Rat Terrier named Cinnamon, and our 1 year old cat named Ichigo. My husband and I love our children(pets) to bits, they are an extreme handful but our lives wouldn't be the same without them. We adopted Ichigo from a cat rescue and then we almost lost our cat last year before he was even a year old and it took most of our savings to save him from dying. Cinnamon is extremely timid dog because she was born into a puppy mill but she has had a great home with us now for 5 years. These two are constantly fighting over the 4 pet beds we currently have. Cinnamon loves curling up in the one in our kitchen while I'm in there and Ichigo loves sleeping on his bed behind my sewing machine or on my fabric as I'm sewing :)

    I liked Honey Pot on facebook and I am also following them on Wordpress


  103. I have two fur babies- Jack and Coco! I got Coco about 9 years ago and we just got Jack about 2 years ago from the Bryan Animal Shelter! They really light up my life.

    I also followed on facebook and the blog!


  104. I have a puggle that I adopted from the pound. She is my world!

    nitelily3 at gmail

  105. I don't have a pet yet, but I WILL get a dog after I graduate. Hopefully a French bulldog or a Labradoodle. I'm going to spoil my dog more than some people spoil their children.


  106. Liked them on FB!

  107. Following them on Bloglovin!

  108. My pet is Maggie, a Toto from Kansas look-a-like! She's the sweetest thing and would definitely be spoiled with this gift card!


  109. I have an adorable 1yr old border collie/american eskimo mix named Amber. The border collie half is an Australian Red border, and Amber looks just like a little red fox! She is a total sweetheart :) BTW, just found your blog this morning and looking forward to exploring it!

  110. We are animal lovers here in my home. I have 3 dogs...yorkie, poodle-mix, and bulldog and 2 cats...a persian and a ragamuffin. I can't imagine my life without these guys in it!Honey Pot Pet Studios has the most adorable stuff!

  111. I recently started following your blog on my google reader (as in yesterday)!

  112. Our family lives in Michigan and we live in South Carolina we do lots of traveling. Our cat (Noel) LOVES when we take the luggage out! She curls up on it all the time!

    Ever met a 140 pound pup who cries to sit on your lap?! Insert Harvey, my great dane who is not only a gentle giant but also my biggest baby.

  114. My other half and I are going to be science teachers...we're nerds!! ;) so our two doggies are Newton and Boltzman!! ;)


  115. My sister and I have a 1 year old Maine Coon named Tyler he is fiesty and beautiful and a pain to keep cleaned and brushed!

  116. How sweet! I'm studying abroad in Spain and just adopted a sweet little stray named Gypsy. I'm even bringing him home! Yup, my cat has a passport :)

  117. This is such a neat giveaway! I have an engllish. Bulldog. Her name is Stella and she is 3 years old. I inherited Stella from my dad who committed suicide 2 years ago. Stella and I have gone through hell and back but the one thing that made it easier was having her by my side through it all. She is my life and I enjoy doing everything with her from movie nights at home to walks in the park to feed the ducks. I know she would love a little something special :-)

    Countrykindagirl_21(at)yahoo (dot)com

  118. This is such a neat giveaway! I have an engllish. Bulldog. Her name is Stella and she is 3 years old. I inherited Stella from my dad who committed suicide 2 years ago. Stella and I have gone through hell and back but the one thing that made it easier was having her by my side through it all. She is my life and I enjoy doing everything with her from movie nights at home to walks in the park to feed the ducks. I know she would love a little something special :-)

    Countrykindagirl_21(at)yahoo (dot)com

  119. I love the suitcase cat bed! I have two kitties and six reptiles that make my house a home and never fail to make me happy. They all mean the world to me!

    MermaidBird3 [at] gmail [dot] com

  120. I have a cat named Anna. She is a ridiculous cat who does everything to extremes....but she's a good cuddler, so I live with her ridiculousness!


  121. I have the most adorable cat named Willow that I rescued 2 years ago. She was only 6 weeks old at the time and now she's the apple of my eye. We just moved and she told me she wanted that super cute retro raised pet bowl. :) I also "liked" Honey Pot Pet Studio on FB!

  122. Pip is a 3 year old Mini Australian Shepherd who is a service animal by day and regular family dog at night. She is an attention whore and loves to work, especially pulling me on my bike to the grocery.


  123. Liked Honey Pot on Facebook- cute page! Love the pink and green with polka-dots :)


  124. I have three dogs at home that I love to spoil :)

  125. I have a 13 year old African Gray Parrot named Simon, a 10 month old Holland Lop named Stanley and we are getting a dog once we move this coming summer... it is a full house!


  126. I have a 7 Year old Black Lab. She's a hunting dog for my husband but a lap dog for me. Sometimes when she comes in from outside she smells and I want to cuddle right away!

  127. this blog page.nice informastion. Thanks for sharing . Buy Bad Google Reviews


I love reading your comments! If you have a question please feel free to email me at sweet.verbena01@yahoo (:

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