I need your help! I really love the idea of a homemade (or semi-homemade) halloween costume but I can't decide what I want to do. I'd like a challenge but, nothing too intricate. I figure this is an excuse to make something I wouldn't normally make. I took a look online at McCall's and Simplicity's patterns but nothing jumped out at me.
Please share your ideas with me! Any suggestions would be welcome.
Here's some of the ones I've been considering:
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The always inspiring Keiko Lynn came up with this adorable Mary Poppins/Bert couples costume. I pretty much love this but I'm not sure I could pull of that shirt. Maybe just a long sleeve white tee would do?
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I love the idea of something vintage like this cool flapper costume..
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or maybe a 50's housewife. With a floral or polka dot print?
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Simple and cute. Very do-able.
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I love this raggedy ann costume Rashida Jones wore in Parks and Recreation. I wonder how much yarn that wig would take...
Please do share your ideas or links with me. I need all the help I can get. Couple's ideas are welcome too but not necessary!
Ok, this is an old post, but the costume idea is the very last picture. The only reason we could pull it off was because it was a true costume party and we arrived at different times so no one would see us put our outfits together. Needless to say, we couldn't participate in the guessing, but it was fun to suprise everyone. LOL
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :) I'm sure it will be great!
You could be the mad hatter :) great excuse to randomly put together a bunch of fabric. I just found an old suit at goodwill & mended it to my liking. http://twitpic.com/n2u07
I think my boyfriend and I are going to be Cp3O and R2D2. Our Shih tzu is going to be Darth Vador. :) I'm using this photo as inspiration. I'm not really that nerdy, but I think it'll be super funny. :)
i'm going to be a flapper this year, last year I was a peacock and the year before that I was little red riding hood. all of them were fun to make and easy to come up with everything. Mary poppins would be so cute too. I've thought about doing that a couple times...maybe next year.
can't wait to see what you do
I love this idea!
I'd probably put white or tan fabric behind the cutout though, for modesty! I love the Mary Poppins costume too...what a cute couple!
I think you could easily refashion a large dress shirt into the Mary Poppins top. Re=size the top, use to big sleeves to do the ruffle sleeves (I've seen lots of tutorials for shorter versions of this sleeve for little girls). For the collar just remove the fold over bit (sorry, no idea of the actual name), attach some lace with steam-a-seam, and throw on a bow tie. The best things about Halloween costumes-they're only gonna be worn once and you can get away with less the perfect construction.
We styled a Mary Poppins costume! http://www.lovelyatyourside.com/2011/03/lovely-poppins.html
xx Olivia
i decided i'm going to be a cute (cute...not skanky) bumble bee while my husband is going to be a bee keeper. he doesn't really have a choice:) haha but as for links, sorry. i was just kinda going to make this up as i go... i'm planning on making a sparkly tulle skirt aaand that's all i have planned so far:)
I love this Harry potter inspired tutu costume! Granted, it's for babies haha but you could tweak it :)
Now I'm dreaming of Mary Poppins! Seriously considering.... We made a raggedy ann wig one year and it wasn't too bad. We crocheted a cloche and then tied long pieces of yarn to it and then braided it. You can do it!
Cute ideas! If you wanted to do the Mary Poppins idea, you could always thrift the top and make the rest.
This post has two ideas at the end of it--one is couples and one isn't. Both were really simple to make and I'd be happy to tell you how I did them if you want to know! http://theoriginofwonder.blogspot.com/2011/03/red-dress-thing-one-thing-two.html
Good luck...I always have trouble coming up with just the perfect idea.
here's a tutorial for making a yarn wig. have FUN!
I LOVE that Mary Poppins costume...it is actually on my list for next year. I am making my own version of the Corpse Bride for my annual Witch's Ball this year...our theme is Black and White. I found a white prom dress at a thrift store and have plans to rip it up and distress it and such...starting tonight actually...crossing my fingers I can pull it off! LOL! I plan to post pics to my blog once it is done.
Ooh, Mary Poppins is a good one but I'm thinking of being a 50's housewife myself! I absolutely love the idea of getting my hair all styled and wearing pearls and that huge dress/skirt! haha
I've been wanting to make a Mad Men costume..since I'm a redhead I'm thinking joan harris/christina hendricks but it would be fun to do betty francis/january jones costume too. And you get a new vintage type dress out of it.
I have been thinking of being Mary Poppins myself! I love the idea of the 50s housewife too. I think any of those would be awesome.
You are so clever and will come up with something so cute. I can't wait to see. I am going as a ceiling fan (ya know, holding a sign that reads GO CEILING!!) I know. It needs something.
I love the snow white costume idea. My boyfriend and I are doing a nature inspired masquerade type costume jsut to stand out from everyone else, hopefully.
In the movie "DOA" with Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid, Meg takes a full slip and puts the letters F-R-E-U-D down the side. She says, "It's my Freudian slip!" That always makes me laugh! The movie was filmed at UT, but don't let that stop you!
the blog "what I wore" has a whole bunch of fun homeade costumes posted right now!
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