Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Schoolhouse Tunic

Thank you so much for the support in response to my last post. I can't tell you how appreciative I am of your encouragement. It's amazing how powerful genuinely kind words can be. Obviously I need to quit over-thinking so much. Story of my life (:

Have you heard of the Schoolhouse Tunic pattern by Sew Liberated? I realize I'm way behind to jump on this bandwagon since this pattern isn't really new, but  I made my first dress (well, first successful dress) using it and I love it! This pattern was actually one of my Christmas gifts this year and I couldn't wait to try it out. I first found out about it when I was at City Craft in Dallas (my favorite fabric shop in the area) when the cute sales girl was sporting her own version. 

I love that this pattern can be really versatile. I love this borderline pilgrim look that I got using this dark, earthy linen, but I'm thinking I'll go for a more clean cut look with a fun, patterned cotton next time. 

It was a several day process for me, but that's probably because I get bored of working on the same project pretty quickly. You could probably hammer it out in one sitting if you were determined. The pattern is really easy to follow and I think would be suitable for beginner/intermediate sewers. 

I'm thinking maybe it needs pockets? Maybe I could make a tutorial for that. Any interest in that? 

So...yes make sure to check out the pattern here. A little pricey but you can use it again and again. Oh and you can cut the skirt bottom shorter to make a top too! 

By the way, If they're are any UNT Eagles out there, you may recognize the setting of these pictures. My boyfriend is considering transferring for next fall, so we were checking out the campus. Denton has such a cool vibe!




  1. ooo thats really cute! i wonder if I can get the pattern here in Australia? If not i may have to attempt to make it up myself.

    I just finished making my first dress too, its not store-worthy, but I'm pretty proud given that it is my first one!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Great work!! I love that pattern, though I am a bit confused over the American sizes, since I'm used to European sizes.

  3. i like the tunic but i LOVE your boots! where are they from?! Also I'm really jealous of your new serger!

    i'd love for you to check out my blog!

  4. tunic is wonderful and it looks great on you!

  5. Great job, you look wonderful in the tunic :)

  6. you are so cute!! I love your style. and am jealous of your sewing skills!!

    I'm going to put a serger on my wedding registry in hopes that my plan to take up sewing after I'm married goes well. LOL

  7. Yes, all dresses should have pockets! A tutorial would be great!

  8. Love the dress, but HAVE to know where you got your boots?!?!?! So cute, as always!!

  9. So cute! I'll be student teaching in the fall so I'm already starting to get some teacher-appropriate clothing (so long skinny jeans and band hoodies). I think I'm going to have to buy this pattern as well - you look great :)

  10. How cute! I want to make one now, too! Also, can I just say you are one of my favorite models ever? I love that you look like you're just being silly and having a good time. It makes your photos so fun to look at :-)

  11. I was just thinking how cute this would be for the classroom (I have to do observations all the time too). This would be perfect. Thanks for sharing. I may just have to try this!


  12. absolutely love this dress!! i need to learn how to sew to make my own!
    adore it, such a good job.

  13. love the tunic!
    and yes, denton has a cool vibe. i love my town!

  14. You are so stinkin' adorable! I love your boots too :) I may have to give this little number a shot, I could think of a million different ways to wear it. I'm a yoga teacher and think it'd be great over work out clothes while running errands, meeting a friend for lunch, or in between classes so I don't look like a total gym rat lol! I love your idea of wearing it over leggings. Have a great wednesday, my dear!


  15. Super cute! New follower! I would love a follow back. :D I have two blogs but, you may like my fashion blog. Here they are: (fashion and savings)
    That one is about budgeting,saving, organizing, etc. Have a nice day! ;D

  16. I love your dress! I was just thinking "that looks like UNT"! That's where my husband and I went to school, and I loved it. He should definitely go there. I enjoy reading your blog and maybe one day I'll get up the nerve to try and sew something!

  17. I haven't been reading very long, but I love your blog! You always inspire me.

    I'm loving the dress--I still have a few semesters before I student teach, but I've started collecting classroom-appropriate clothing as well. I think dresses with cardigans, leggings, and boots might become my uniform.

  18. Love the dress!! I've been wanting that same pattern but its soo expensive I've been putting it off.

    And yes, Denton is amazing! lol I'm wanting to move there with the bf this summer. If you're ever back I recommend going to Beth Marie's. Best ice cream you can find anywhere!

  19. Absolutely LOVE the dress! I am a sophomore at UNT and it is amazing! It's like a mini Austin, only better! You MUST go to the Denton square. Neat restaurants, cute chic shops, and an antique mall! Denton would love to have you :)

  20. I just ordered this pattern! I cannot wait to finally make something fab for myself!! I'm alays so busy sewing for my kids that I sometime neglect myself! Thanks again for being an inspiration to me!!

  21. OMG!! Love this look, I have those same boots!!! This pattern would look so stinkin cute w/ leggins & I agree w/ others, Yes please, on the pocket tute!!!! TFS your cuteness!!

  22. Reading the comments on this post just reiterates how awesome you are... people from Europe and Australia and obviously everyone all over the United States love to read your blog. You are so inspiring. Especially considering you are in the middle of your college career and still have time for this!

    Shannon Rose from Miss Montana's @

  23. Such talent! I love the tunic and the whole ensemble. I have to know where you found your boots, too. They're great!

  24. love it! so cute! i went to UNT and my husband and i now live in Denton and we absolutely love it! Glad you got to check out our town!! hope you enjoyed your stay and get to come back!!

  25. Here's the boots link (:

  26. AHHH so cute!! Pockets would be a lovely addition :D Thanks for sharing the link to your boots as well!

  27. Seriously though, those boots are exactly what I've been looking for! I was in Austin over the Christmas break and I went shopping for some boots in that style with no luck (ok, well except for the Frye boots I accidentally fell in love with. If only I was made of money!). Thanks for the link, just in time for my birthday wishlist.

  28. This is such a cute dress and looks great on you.
    Great hair color by the way! Would like to read about it too :)

  29. so funny! i just reviewed this pattern on my blog last week, too! It was my first *real* pattern as well! (

    next time you're home, head over to fort worth and visit the fabric shop I work at. Its called Cabbage Rose.. and it is AMAZING. Its like 100x's the size of City Craft! You will love it :)


  30. this is awesome!! i think it would be fabulous with pockets too. i just found your blog and love it!!

  31. so, i now own a sewing machine (i asked for it for christmas!), in large part because of your blog. now, i need to learn to sew. :p

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I love reading your comments! If you have a question please feel free to email me at sweet.verbena01@yahoo (:

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