Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dabble, dabble, dabble

Well I might have found a new addiction. You were right. Embroidery is such a relaxing little hobby, and oh so satisfying. I find myself just staring at my work, running my fingers over the stitches, and envisioning what else I can add to it. I'm looking forward to hanging a few finished pieces in my bedroom. 

Slowly, but surely making progress..

Maybe I've sparked your interest? Here's video links to all of the fancy stitches I used. Yes they're a little cheesy,  but they do the job.

And some of you graciously passed along some great blog recommendations. Thank you so much! Check out the comment section for some great links. I fell in love with Mary's recommendation, Wild Olive. So trendy and cute, and her pictures are awesome. 

Happy stitching! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!




  1. looking great so far!! Bet they will look awesome in your room :)

  2. i LOOOOVE embroidery! it is so fun to do while you watch a show or a movie cause unlike sewing its so portable :) this is super cute whatever it will be!

  3. Thank you so much for the link, and I'm so happy that you've found my patterns to be fun and helpful! Have a wonderfully stitchy Thanksgiving!

  4. Very cute! Nice job! I hope you'll show us the finished piece :)

  5. I love your colour choices! I should try this soon.


  6. Where did you get your blog template?! I want a similar one! I would obviously change all the pictures and colors around, but I've always had trouble with this!

  7. sooo pretty! i love your paisleys!!! i needed a good link for a chain stitch for my christmas advent. thank you!

  8. Oh what fun and your work is so lovely! I love stitching and embroidery very much. I am fortunate to have several pieces that my grandmother and aunts made too. Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season!

  9. I love this paisley! Where did you find the pattern? or did you free hand it?

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I love reading your comments! If you have a question please feel free to email me at sweet.verbena01@yahoo (:

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